Journal articles
‘The retreat from ‘high technology’ in post-war Britain’, English Historical Review, 138, no. 594-595 (2023), 1363-1393.
Policy papers
Rosa Hodgkin and Tom Kelsey, 'Putting analysis and assessment at the heart of government', Insight Paper, Institute for Government, 2 April 2024.
Jonathan Black, Jack Connolly, Amina Adjerid and Tom Kelsey, ‘The Crossroads of Geopolitics: the intersection of security and economic interests – policymaking in a more complex and uncertain world’, Blavatnik Working Paper, University of Oxford, January 2024, 1-49.
‘When Missions Fail: lessons in ‘high technology from post-war Britain’, Blavatnik Working Paper, University of Oxford, 1 December 2023.
‘An Unexpected Cut: Revisiting the Diamond Commission and assessing inequality in post-war Britain’, Resolution Foundation Report, August 2018.
Prizes and fellowships
2023 – Samuel Eleazar and Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize from the Society for the History of Technology for the best unpublished journal article in the history of technology by an early career researcher with my paper, ‘Fighting the Supersonic Deception: the critics of Concorde post-war Britain.’
2019 – By-Fellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge and John Antcliffe Grant to support it.
2017 – Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize for the best paper by a first-time presenter at the annual conference of the Society for the History of Technology in Philadelphia with my work ‘The Force of Nuclear Nationalism: The internal debate over nuclear reactor choice in Britain, 1970-1979’.
2014 – Hans Rausing 1+3 Scholarship to fund my MA and PhD.
PhD in History, King's College London
MA in Science, Technology, and Medicine in History, King's College London
BA in History, University of York